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PMR Rescues 5 Climbers from High on Stormy Mt Hood
Sunday, January 12, 2003
Late Sunday afternoon, a 4-person team from Portland Mountain Rescue located and
rescued a group of five stranded climbers in a snow cave high on stormy
11,239-foot Mount Hood.
The climbers, all from Portland-area climbing club The Mazamas, had set out on
Saturday to climb a challenging West face route. However, the excursion took
longer than expected and a strong storm descended on the mountain before the
subjects could get down to safety. With darkness falling and heavy snow and high
sustained winds creating blizzard conditions, the climbers were unable to find
the proper route down the mountain. Rather than risking a nighttime descent or
wandering into avalanche terrain, the subjects decided to dig a snow cave near
11,100 feet to ride out the storm. That evening, when some of the men became
slightly hypothermic, the party decided to call 9-1-1 and request assistance.
The climbers were experienced mountaineers and carried three important safety
devices - a cell phone to call for help, a GPS receiver to give the exact
coordinates of their location and a Mountain Locator Unit (MLU) transmitter to
provide a second means of locating the party.
PMR carries a MLU receiver and regularly trains in its use for locating climbers
in trouble on Mount Hood.
MLU's are rental devices that are unique to Mount Hood. The program was started
and is overseen by the Mountain Signal Memorial Fund based in Portland, Oregon.
After receiving the emergency call Saturday evening, the Clackamas County (OR)
Sheriff mobilized a search and rescue (SAR) mission and contacted PMR and the
Reach and Treat (RAT) team from American Medical Response. The two groups
responded just after midnight on Sunday morning, but the SAR Coordinator decided
that waiting for daylight was the best option. As a precaution, the SAR
Coordinator also mobilized multiple SAR units from the area, including Corvallis
Mountain Rescue, Eugene Mountain Rescue, Pacific Northwest Search and Rescue,
the Hood River Crag Rats and the Washington County (OR) Sheriff's Office.
Just after 5:00 am, a Timberline Lodge Sno-Cat loaded with PMR and AMR rescuers
left for the top of the ski area. From the staging area in the Palmer lift house
at 8,540 feet, two PMR teams left for the upper reaches of the mountain. At
first light, a 4-person "hasty" team left with minimal equipment to attempt to
locate the subjects as quickly as possible. About 90 minutes later, a 6-person
"support" team carrying technical rescue equipment and gear to battle
hypothermia left for the mountain's crater, about 1,000 vertical feet below the
summit. The AMR team remained behind with several PMR members waiting to learn
if the subjects needed medical treatment.
The strong storm, which blew in Saturday afternoon, had deposited 1-2 feet of
new snow over a sun-melted and rain-glazed base, making the upper mountain a
recipe for avalanche. The 4-person PMR team, consisting of Rescue Leader Marty
Johnson, Iain Morris, Mike Ochsner and Nick Pope, carefully assessed the snow
conditions of the upper mountain and chose a safe route to the Hogsback ridge
within Mount Hood's crater.
From the Hogsback, the PMR team used the climbers' GPS coordinates and the
audible signal of their MLU transmitter to quickly locate the snow cave. The
rescuers ascended through the Pearly Gates, near the summit, and West to the
subjects' shelter.
Fortunately, the 5 stranded climbers were ambulatory and able to descend the
standard climbing route with the help of the PMR hasty team. From there, the
group carefully navigated the Hogsback Ridge to just East of Crater Rock and the
waiting PMR support team. After energizing with some much needed food and
liquids, the entire group of 15 people descended the 2,500 vertical feet to the
Palmer lift house and a waiting Sno-Cat bound for the safety of Timberline
Due to the relatively good health of the subjects, the third rescue team,
composed of PMR rescuers and AMR paramedics, was able to turn back before they
reached the scene. None of the subjects required hospitalization.
PMR would like to note that, though weather conditions were far from
satisfactory, the climbers did exactly what they were supposed to do. When
extreme winter weather caught them off guard, the subjects hunkered down in a
snow cave and tried to wait out the weather. When the weather would not break
and the subjects became concerned about their health, they called for help.
Additionally, the fact that they had a cell phone to communicate with the
authorities and two means of locating their whereabouts - a GPS receiver and a
MLU transmitter - significantly shortened the time needed to complete this
difficult rescue.
Support Portland Mountain Rescue
Note: While these experienced climbers did "just the right thing by staying in one place and digging a snow cave", they still became hypothermic and in danger of loosing their lives. They had to call for a dangerous and expensive mountain rescue. We insist that "digging an emergency snow cave" be considered only as an extreme last resort and not as a safe fall back adventure.--Robert Speik, Webmeister 2003-2010
Read more . . .
FREE Clinic on Real Survival Strategies and Staying Found with Map, Compass and GPS together
What do you carry in your winter day and summit pack?
Why are "Snow Caves" dangerous?
Why are "Space Blankets" dangerous?
Why are "Emergency Kits" dangerous?
How can you avoid Hypothermia?
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