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ONDA's Steens Mud Creek Backpack Fence Pull in eastern Oregon
Image Copyright© 2007 by Margaret Speik. All Rights Reserved.
Note: The map grid is Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) based on the USGS
Quad map Datum NAD27. The map is oriented on True North.
Set up your GPS as above and adjust your base plate compass to 17 degrees East Declination and
then "Stay Found" on this adventure! --Webmeister Speik
Image Copyright© 2007 by Margaret Speik. All Rights Reserved.
Note: The map above is a photocopy of the BLM Wilderness Fence Removal map used by ONDA.
A photocopy of the USGS Quad map 1:24,000 scale with the UTM Zone 11, NAD 27 will be provided to each participant! --Webmeister Speik
June 13 to 17, 2007, ONDA Fence pull near Mud and Ankle Creeks in the Steens Mountain Wilderness
Fence pull work will include hiking, backpacking, camping and pulling old barbed wire fence. No experience is necessary as ONDA’s staff will provide the training and tools; you just need to show up ready to backpack in about four miles from the trail head.! Base camp is located at a bend in Ankle Creek. Spend the days puling fence; spend the evenings stargazing or visiting with fellow volunteers.
Please bring your own food, camp stove, sleeping bag, blankets, sleeping pad, tent, towel, dinnerware, sunscreen, mosquito spray, and pillow. Other indispensable items include: water bottles, hiking footwear, long pants, sun hat, waterproof footwear, camp chair, binoculars, drinks and tasty snacks. If you have your own digital camera, compass, GPS unit, and/or field guides, we strongly encourage you to bring them. For information call
ONDA Volunteer Coordinator Erin Barnholdt at 541-330-2638.
our photos of a previous trip.
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